
try using OpenLayers.Bounds.fromString. It takes a string as an argument 
and returns a bounds.

Best regards,

AlessioDL wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having a strange issue with zoomToExtent(bounds) when the bounds values
> come from and ExtJS GridPanel.
> This is my code
>  // create the data store
>     var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
>                 url: 'resultSetJson.php',
>                 fields: [
>                         {name: 'sent_id', type:'int'},
>                         {name: 'denominazione'},
>                         {name:'tempo_perc'},
>                         {name:'estensionegm'}
>                 ]
>     });
>     // load data from the url ( data.php )
>     store.load();
>     // create the Grid
>     var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({
>                 store: store,
>                 columns: [
>                         {id:'sent_id',header: 'ID', width: 30, sortable:
> true, dataIndex: 'sent_id'},
>                         {header: 'Denominazione', width: 430, sortable:
> true, dataIndex: 'denominazione'},
>                         {header: 'Tempo', width: 50, sortable: true,
> dataIndex: 'tempo_perc'}
>                         {header: 'Estensione', width: 50, sortable: true,
> dataIndex: 'estensionegm'}
>                 ],
>                 stripeRows: true,
>                 border:false,
>                 height:250,
>                 width:500,
>                 autoScroll:true,
>                 listeners:{
>                         rowclick:function(grid,rowIndex,e) {
>                                 //alert(rowIndex);
> //alert(grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('estensionegm'));
>                                 var sentExtent =
> grid.getStore().getAt(rowIndex).get('estensionegm');
>                                 alert(sentExtent);
>                                 alert(new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(sentExtent).toBBOX());
>                                 map.zoomToExtent(new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(sentExtent));
>                         }
>                 }
>     });
>     // render grid
>     grid.render('sentieri-grid');
> I populate my grid thanks to a postgis query that encodes the results as
> Json with php. 
> In the "estensionegm" column I put the geometry bbox (calculated by
> postgis), then I put values in the sentExtent var (as you can see in the
> code).
> the sentExtent alert return the correct values, for example (in spherical
> mercator):
> 1567540.36063275,5196100.3682006,1567671.48470329,5196716.04655338
> but when I use the sentExtent var in the new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(sentExtent).toBBOX(); it returns only the first value
> (xmin) and three zeros:
> 1567540.360633,0,0,0
> so, the map.zoomToExtent(new OpenLayers.Bounds(sentExtent)); can't work!
> What I can do? 
> Thanks, alessio

Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS

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