On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 10:16:13AM +0200, Jimmy Aumard wrote:
> Hi,
> I try to use the control selectFeature on multiple layers but I have an
> error.
> I try this:
> var selectFeature=new OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature(layers,{
>         multiple:false, hover:false,
>         clickout:true, toggle:false,
>     });
>     selectFeature.onSelect=function(feature){
>         alert(feature.fid);
>     };
>     selectFeature.onUnselect=function(feature){
>         alert(feature.fid);
>     };
> I firebug give me :
>  this.layer.getFeatureFromEvent is not a function
> Line 229
> And :
> layer.selectedFeatures is undefined
> Line 288
> Where is my error?

Since your code is incomplete, it's hard to know. Perhaps a full example of
your code would allow for a better understanding. It looks like your layers may
not be vector layers. 

> Cheers
> Jim

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