On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:29 PM, Pedro Baracho <pedropbara...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to change SLD on the fly to create some thematic maps. I would also
> appreciate if compatibility with OGC's WFS was mantained. Have you guys done
> this before? I could use some suggestions... :P
> I have done some searching and came up with a couple of solutions.
> 1- GeoServer GeoExt Styler Plugin.
> I don't know if it is a good solution, because as far as I know, it changes
> the style of the layer for all the users. I would need to replicate styles
> on the server for each user and each layer. And also this requires the
> server to be Geoserver, and breaks OGC compatibility.

You are right that will change it for everyone

> 2- WMS 1.3 and SLD
> MapServer implements WMS 1.3 and accepts a SLD description in the request.
> GeoServer doesn't.
> Nothing against MapServer, but my current development environment is set
> with GeoServer..

(from the demo requests page in geoserver 1.7.5) - works for all WMS versions.
> 3- WFS and treat SLD exhibition on the client
> This is a double edged solution. The good thing about WFS is that I have
> many more possibilities of control over the map. I can use SelectFeature
> control, instead of hacking some code to implement it over WMS. But it also
> gives me many other options I don't need such as the vector data. I only
> need the images.

Not sure I understand your plan here but sounds like overkill - and
may kill off the browser if you have too much data.

Ian Turton

Sent from Houserville, Pennsylvania, United States
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