Images are not subject to the same-origin policy that applies to data  
loaded via XHR which is why the map tiles load fine.

One way to circumvent the browser's same-origin policy when loading  
data from another domain is by dynamically inserting a script tag in  
the DOM and using it to load the data as JSON, this technique is  
described in more detail here:

I haven't used this technique with OpenLayers, presumably you would  
need to implement a custom protocol to integrate with the Vector layer.


On 24/12/2009, at 6:17 AM, wrote:

> Ahh,
> it seems that the tiles are being loaded, but no data. That would
> explain something.
> Of course loading the tiles based on the current scrolling position
> would not be a security issue.
> Ok, well I will have to spend some more time to read about this, can
> you please explain on thing :
> what is the difference between :
> new OpenLayers.Layer.GML("OSM", "file.osm", {format:  
> OpenLayers.Format.OSM});
> and what I was trying to do that did not work :
> new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Lines", {
>                    strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
>                     minZoomLevel: 1,
>                     maxZoomLevel: 6 ,
>                     numZoomLevels: 5,
>                    protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
>                     url: "test-embed_files/testway.xml",
>                     format: new OpenLayers.Format.OSM(),
>                    })
>                });
> Thanks,
> mike
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:56 PM,
> <> wrote:
>> I am looking at this example,
>> It is using GML instead of OSM, and it is also loading from the
>> domain.
>> How can this example work if you cannot load map data from another  
>> domain?
>> mike
>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 5:16 PM,
>> <> wrote:
>>> Yes exactly,
>>> but if I host the page on then I can access the data on
>>> the same domain.
>>> I had a misconception about this whole thing, obviously mashups are
>>> going to create a lot more server sided traffic.
>>> mike
>>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 4:29 PM, Marc Jansen  
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> as for OpenLayers, it shouldn't be a problem to get it hosted  
>>>> nearly
>>>> everywhere since it is only JavaScript. Obviously you cannot use  
>>>> any
>>>> datasource, though. Maybe you can set up a proxy that handles the  
>>>> requests,
>>>> but I'd doubt that it is possible for your current * 
>>>> adress.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Marc
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for your advice. That is interesting.
>>>>> I never did anything like this, and I feed pretty stupid right  
>>>>> now!
>>>>> But it will be possible to host the webpages on as  
>>>>> well
>>>>> and work without the blog itself. It just would be nice to  
>>>>> separate
>>>>> the display and the data storage. That effectively reduces the  
>>>>> usage
>>>>> of openlayers to people who have control of domains, right? It  
>>>>> will
>>>>> not be possible to people to just create maps with any data they  
>>>>> want
>>>>> without a server to proxy the data.
>>>>> Now, this example, it displays an openstreetmap map
>>>>> but the fetch to :
>>>>> that fails, or never returns.
>>>>> But the same one to use open layer to load the data from osm  
>>>>> fails :
>>>>> It calles get on this url
>>>>> in the request  XMLHttpRequest.js (line 200)
>>>>> the other thing is that I dont get any error message about  
>>>>> security
>>>>> problems
>>>>> I found this document here:
>>>>> So, realistically it is not possible to host open layers on a  
>>>>> blog?
>>>>> mike
>>>>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 1:37 PM, Marc Jansen  
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>>>> I am pretty sure that you aren't allowed to acces datasources via
>>>>>> XHR/AJAX
>>>>>> from other servers than the one the original page is served from.
>>>>>> see:
>>>>>> Just a quick guess, though.
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> Marc
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>>> I have attempted to embed openlayers in a blog post,
>>>>>>> and am failing! Any help would be appreciated.
>>>>>>> using osm data hosted OSM data on
>>>>>>> here is get a octet bytestream because archive org does not  
>>>>>>> say the
>>>>>>> right filetype.
>>>>>>>  this
>>>>>>> returns a 206 partial content and fails.
>>>>>>> in a pastebin file that is delivered as text:
>>>>>>> Date    Wed, 23 Dec 2009 10:15:43 GMT
>>>>>>> Server  Apache/1.3.33 (Debian GNU/Linux) mod_python/2.7.10  
>>>>>>> Python/2.3.4
>>>>>>> PHP/4.3.10-22 mod_perl/1.29
>>>>>>> X-Powered-By    PHP/4.3.10-22
>>>>>>> Content-Disposition     attachment; filename="f28514ba0.txt"
>>>>>>> Keep-Alive      timeout=15, max=100
>>>>>>> Connection      Keep-Alive
>>>>>>> Transfer-Encoding       chunked
>>>>>>> Content-Type    text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>>>>>>> So the problem might be the attachment...
>>>>>>> and that data from osm directly again on pastebin,
>>>>>>> data is here : it  
>>>>>>> returns a
>>>>>>> 200 ok.
>>>>>>> It returns an : text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 but does not  
>>>>>>> render.
>>>>>>> But there is still nothing there
>>>>>>> from osm directly
>>>>>>> firebug says :no element found
>>>>>>> And my last try was to put the code from osm on the page  
>>>>>>> directly,
>>>>>>> also not rendering but the xml is loading.
>>>>>>> server.html
>>>>>>> but nothing is working
>>>>>>> would appreciate any tips and help
>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>> mike
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