No ideas?


Hi list,

I have a map with 3 wms and one image (.png) layer. 
I have different problems:
1. one of my wms layer don´t come up if my scale are > than about 1:30000 so it 
seems that my scale is wrong (in ArcMap at 1:50000)- but my getcapabilities 
 said that wms has no scalehint ("NaN"). wms is published with ArcIMS. What 
went wrong?
2. I noticed that all of my wms layer have offsets (about 100m) right to my 
image layer - every layer different offset. I suppose that it has to do with 
projection. All of my wms support epsg 4326 and my image is transverse 
mercator. map´s projection is epsg:4326. What is wrong?
3. How can I manage to have different bounds? bounds of my map has to be the 
same as bounds of my image/layer. If I have different one I get message that is null.

best regards

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