Hello again,


we just found another hint concerning the error in IE:


Meldung: Unbekannter Fehler.

Zeile: 81

Zeichen: 9

Code: 0



I will now in a first step compare the VML.js from OpenLayers Version 2.7 and 
2.8 and perhaps link to 2.8 to test, if the error still occurs. In the moment, 
the client is linked to version 2.7


Thanks for any other hint/idea




Hi Barbara,


no, not only green symbols made problems. Other time the red one made problems. 
Popups opened sometimes near the symbols/marker but were sometimes about a few 
centimeters away.
IE gave me a white map. And confirm the strange behaviour of map being there 
after going to another page. Think its a IE problem (IE can´t find a variable, 
map or something else). But I don´t have any further ideas how to solve this, 


best regards



Von: "Rauch, Barbara" <ra...@rvr-online.de>
An: Sarah Schuessler <sarah_f...@yahoo.de>; Marc Jansen <jan...@terrestris.de>
CC: users@openlayers.org
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 21. Januar 2010, 15:48:08 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with WFS/Popups in Firefox

Hi Sarah, 


Concerning Firefox: Did you test one time or several times - if several times, 
always ONLY the green symbols made problems? And if, can you see, that the 
popups of the green symbols open directly at the symbol or is there an offset 
and they open somewhere in the map?


Some news about the white map when starting IE: When you start IE and the given 
Link is the first page you want to see, there always occurs the white map - 
when you then start any another page in the IE and then start the given Link to 
my OpenLayersClient, the map will be there. Can anybody confirm this? Has 
anybody any idea how to solve the problem?


Thanks a lot




Hi Barbara,


I could confirm that my IE 8 gave me a white page.

At Firefox 3.5.7 popups only occur when clicking on the orange circles.(green 
gave me "searching for data"). 


best regards




Von: "Rauch, Barbara" <ra...@rvr-online.de>
An: Marc Jansen <jan...@terrestris.de>
CC: users@openlayers.org
Gesendet: Donnerstag, den 21. Januar 2010, 12:49:51 Uhr
Betreff: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Problem with WFS/Popups in Firefox

Hi List,

I now solved the database-problem that caused some popups not to be filled with 
information when you click on a symbol. I also checked the projection as Marc 
proposed, but that didn't help. I still have the problem in Firefox (and only 
in Firefox, it until now did never occur in IE!) that after zooming twice AND 
panning the map, some popups (not always the same!) have an offset and don't 
open directly at the symbol but somewhere else in the map.

You can see here:

Second problem, this time only in the Internet Explorer: Sometimes, not always, 
there occurs no map, the part of the map is white and empty after having 
startet. When you then refresh IE it works fine... It would be great, when you 
could test the page and give me feedback whether it occurs or not and which 
IE-Version you are using.

Has anybody an idea???
Thanks a lot and greetings

Hi Barbara,

If I click on a feature located at POINT(2552356 5693550) (near 
Angerhausen, South of Duisburg) I get a GetFeatureInfo-Request with the 
BBOX 2546405, 5692856, 2547405, 5693856. And of course the popup is 
placed at the wrong coordinates and the GFI-Request is empty.

IMO you should try to search the error in the BBOX creation-function.


PS: I'd guess that this problem should arise in IE as well... haven't 
tested though.

Rauch, Barbara wrote:
> Hello,
> I successfully implemented WFS-Layers with individual symbols by 
> creating an OpenLayers feature class for each layer. These symbols are 
> clickable via clickevent that opens a Popup which is filled with 
> informations by a GetFeatureRequest. In Internet Explorer everything 
> works fine but in Firefox I have the following problem with the popup: 
> After panning the map, some of the popups do no longer open on the 
> symbol but are displaced and open with an offset away from the symbol 
> - that does not occur always to the same WFS but changes. The problem 
> is, that the popups then also don't get the informations and there is 
> no error-message in firefox (I'm working with version 3.0).
> You can see a live-demo here: 
> http://services.metropoleruhr.de/ol_print/ol_viewer.html
> Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
> Thanks for your help and greetings from Marleen
> Hi Marc,
> when you start the client in Firefox, you afterwards have to zoom in 
> twice, then the symbols of the overlays occur - when you then pan the 
> map (drag&drop while the left mouse is pressed) and afterwards click 
> on the symbols, some of the popups don't opne right at the symbol but 
> displaced in the map - not always the same symbols behave like this 
> and Firefox doesn't give an error-message -all that makes it very 
> difficult to find the error... I hope this description helps so far?
> Thanks and greetings
> Marleen
> Hello again,
> thanks a lot for your answer, Marc.
> In the case, when the popup doesn't display any content, there is a 
> 'NULL' in the database - this error will be solved in january by 
> myself via the database. But I don't know, how to solve the problem 
> with the displaced popups after one panned the map. You asked, how I 
> obtain the clicked ccordinate. Here my source-code:
> function addClickEvent( wfslayer, typename)
> {
> // WFS-Abfrage + Popup-Initialisierung
> //Definition der BoundingBox-Größe
> OpenLayers.Events.prototype.includeXY = true;
> wfslayer.events.register("click", map, function(e){
> // Mauspostition bestimmen
> // (konvertiert von Pixel in o.g. EPSG-Koordinaten)
> var lonlat = map.getLonLatFromPixel(e.xy);
> //alert(lonlat);
> // Toleranzwert 'delta' berechnet mit geometrischer
> // Folge: 1000*(0.5)^(zoomlevel)
> var delta = 1000 * Math.pow(0.5, map.getZoom() );
> var more = lonlat.add(delta, delta);
> var less = lonlat.add(-delta, -delta);
> var boundingbox = less.lon + "," + less.lat + "," + more.lon + "," + 
> more.lat;
> //alert(boundingbox);
> // WFS-Abfrage
> var url_rvr = wfslayer.getFullRequestString({
> REQUEST: "GetFeature",
> BBOX: boundingbox,
> INFO_FORMAT: 'text/plain',
> TYPENAME: typename
> });
> OpenLayers.loadURL(url_rvr, '', this, setHTML);
> // Popup-Initialisierung
> popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.AnchoredBubble("siteinfo", lonlat, new 
> OpenLayers.Size(180, 270));
> //popup.AutoSize = true;
> popup.setContentHTML("<div id='mapinfobox'><div 
> id='nodelist'></div></div>");
> popup.setOpacity(1.0);
> popup.setBackgroundColor("FFFFFF");
> popup.addCloseBox(destroy);
> map.addPopup(popup, true);
> $('nodelist').innerHTML = "Searching for data...";
> Event.stop(e);
> });
> }
> Do you really think, it could be a problem with the projection? I 
> would in this case expect, that the popup-displacement also occurs in 
> the InternetExplorer - or do the browsers handle projections in 
> different ways?
> Here my source-code concerning the projection in OpenLayers:
>  //*** edit EPSG options here! *** 
>            var options_31466 = {
>                projection:"EPSG:31466",
>                                scales: [250000, 50000, 15000, 10000, 5000, 
> 2500, 1000],
>                maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(2520400, 5675000, 2638545, 
> 5744500),
>                maxResolution: 'auto',
>                numZoomLevels: 7,
>                controls: [],
>                units: 'm'
>            };                
>            map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options_31466); 
> I thought, it's enough to include the projection in this way and that 
> OpenLayers then automatically does the rest?
> Do I have to include proj4 as you wrote:
> * Are you sure that your projection is set correctly? Did you
> include a pro4.js-definition for 31466?
> Proj4js.defs["EPSG:31466"] = "+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=6 +k=1
> +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +datum=potsdam +units=m +no_defs";
> Where do I have to put the Proj4.defs?
> Thanks a lot merry christmas and greetings
> Marleen
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Im Auftrag
> **Barbara Rauch***
> *
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