On Friday, January 29, 2010, Dirk Tanneberger
<dirk.tanneber...@unibas.ch> wrote:
> I forgot to say, that i use a GeoExt mappanel, in which i put the map.
> I assume the mappanel config overrides the openlayers-map-config. And
> since there is no center and zoom set in the panel config, it just
> shows the whole world. Right?
> So is there a way to keep the map-config? Because i want to dynamically
> change the map-zoom and center, when the user selects a special layer.
> But the mappanel shouldn't change.
> The code for the mappanel (it's part of an ext viewport):
> {
>                 id: 'mapContainer',
>                 title: 'Karte',
>                 xtype: 'gx_mappanel',
>                 map: map,
>                 border: false,
>                 region: 'center'
>             }

Hi. This is a GeoExt question, so I'd suggest taking the question to
the GeoExt users mailing list. You have more chance to get answers


Eric Lemoine

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