Sure WFS-T can be used to update attributes only.

The only thing I've run into when implementing is:

Best regards,

> Hello,
> I am trying to do is not to save any geometry at a wfs layer, instead I am
> trying to to save non geographical data, I mean just a date, string or
> integer data that belongs to a feature. If I am not wrong a feature has
> geometry data and non geographical data.
> Well, I am already showing this non geographical information through a
> popup and also in through an EditorGridPanel.
> I want to do is to have data inserted and updated by using both ways
> (FormPanel inside a popup and also an EditorGridPanel with a FeatureStore)
> but I don’t know how this could be achieved... the only thing is that I
> have a geoserver wfs-t and I am wondering if this wfs-t would do the
> job...
> So it could be done using the wfs-t? how?
> Thank you in advance for helping.
> Kind regards.
> Mario.
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