On 16/03/2010 06:04, Eric Lemoine wrote:
> On Monday, March 15, 2010, Dylan Parry<m...@dylanparry.com>  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I’ve got a layer on one of my maps and it seems to be loading many more
>> tiles than are actually necessary for the viewport. Looking at the
>> screen, it would probably suffice to load in maybe 10 tiles at most, but
>> it seems to be loading upwards of 60 each time, which means that zooming
>> in takes ages to load any tiles that are actually in the viewport as
>> it’s too busy loading in ones outside it! The code I’ve got for the
>> layer is:
>> layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.TMS("Layer", "…", { 'type':'png',
>> 'getURL':getMapUrl }, { 'buffer':0 });
> have you tried setting "buffer" in the same object as "type" and
> "getURL"? I'm not sure TMS takes four args (sorry I can't check right
> now).

Ah yes, you were right! Much better now, thanks, only 15 tiles per 
request, which is still more than enough to fill the viewport, but 
considerably fewer than the 60+ it was loading before.

Dylan Parry
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