On Tuesday, March 16, 2010, Dylan Parry <m...@dylanparry.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve set up a click handler on my map to handle double-clicks. I did
> this by bastardising the demo for click handlers, so the code I have is
> as follows:
> --- start ---
> OpenLayers.Control.Click = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Control, {
>         defaultHandlerOptions: {
>                 'single': true,
>                 'double': true,
>                 'pixelTolerance': 0,
>                 'stopSingle': false,
>                 'stopDouble': true
>         },
>         initialize: function(options) {
>                 this.handlerOptions = OpenLayers.Util.extend(
>                         {}, this.defaultHandlerOptions
>                 );
>                 OpenLayers.Control.prototype.initialize.apply(
>                         this, arguments
>                 );
>                 this.handler = new OpenLayers.Handler.Click(
>                         this, {
>                                 'dblclick': this.onDblclick
>                         }, this.handlerOptions
>                 );
>         },
>         onDblclick: function(evt) {
>                 // A jQuery function that isn’t relevant here
>         }
> });
> // Double click handler
> var doubleClick = new OpenLayers.Control.Click({
>         handlerOptions: {
>                 "single": false,
>                 "double": true,
>                 "stopDouble": true
>         }
> });
> map.addControl(doubleClick);
> doubleClick.activate();
> --- end ---
> All this code lives in the function that initialises the map. I’ve also
> got an editing toolbar on the map, which is added to the map controls
> during initialisation.
> The double click handler works just fine, but if I click on any of the
> buttons in the editing toolbar, then click back to the “move” button, it
> no longer handles the double click events and the map then zooms in when
> I double click, instead of running my custom function.
> Any ideas what I can do to stop this from happening? Is there maybe an
> event that fires when you click the edit toolbar buttons that I can
> re-register my click handler in?

Hi. Do you have a live example showing this? It'd really help help you.

Eric Lemoine

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