Hi All!!!!

I'm looking for a wrapper of OpenLayers in ZK (http://www.zkoss.org/),
a framework used in order to develop Rich Internet Application with
AJAX, similar to GWT.

Some things are already  available in the web, such as OLmap.

Is someone working on the same area?????  Integrating ZK with
Openlayers, such as integration between GWT and openayer, are very
important for many users working web application.......

Thank you for your halp and suggestions....  and I hope that this post
not appears  so OT!!!!

Ing. Francesco D'Amore
blog: www.marinajonica.org
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/francescodamore
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Istituto di Inquinamento Atmosferico (IIA)
Ph. D. Student at University of Calabria - DEIS
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