A few years back (OpenLayers 2.5) I built a site that allowed the users to 
create, update, and delete geometric features, using OpenLayers.Layer.Vector, 
using it's preFeatureInsert and onFeatureInsert hooks to save data on the 
server via ASP.NET's asynchronous callbacks.  Geometries were communicated in 
both directions using GML.

I'm currently tasked with creating a new site that does much the same sort of 
thing, but taking advantage of updates in technology, our own improvements in 
understanding, etc.  One thing we'll be doing differently is using calls to a 
webservice instead of asynchronous callbacks.  On the OpenLayers end, it looks 
as if it would be pretty straightforward to use the same preFeatureInsert and 
onFeatureInsert hooks to initiate the calls to the webservice. But I've noticed 
the new OpenLayers.Strategy.Save and OpenLayers.Protocol.*, and I'm wondering 
if there would be any advantages to using these new methods, perhaps with my 
own custom protocol.

I've not seen any good examples that showed how Strategy.Save would be used.  
Can anyone point me to one?

And does anybody have any ideas on why Strategy.Save would be a better 
approach, than just hooking into Vector. onFeatureInsert?


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