
Maybe is not the best way of doing things, but I managed to get the vector data 
in a pop up window by doing:

//Take all the svg elements represented in the XHTML
svgList = document.getElementsByTagName("svg");

for (var i=0;i<=svgList.length-1;i++){
        importedNode = document.importNode(svgList[i], true);
        var atributo = importedNode.getAttribute("id").split("_")[0] + "_" + 

Whereas 'WinPrint' is the pop-up window that I'm going to print. This works 
perfect in FireFox.

My problems start when I try to do this in IE:

1) IE does not have the vector elements drawn with SVG, it uses VML, I guess. 
So instead the first line I've got something like:
        svgList = document.getElementsByTagName("group");
2) IE does not have importNode, so I implemented that method reusing some code 
I found on the internet, not a problem at all.
3) I tried to do same thing (same idea) I did with FF, but I can only get the 
raster images, not the vector images, and I get no error.

        for (var i=0;i<=svgList.length-1;i++){
                importedNode = WinPrint.document._importNode(svgList[i], true);
                var atributo = importedNode.getAttribute("id").split("_")[0] + 
"_" + importedNode.getAttribute("id").split("_")[1];

Can someone help me??

Thanks in advance.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: users-boun...@openlayers.org [mailto:users-boun...@openlayers.org] En 
nombre de David Alda Fernandez de Lezea
Enviado el: viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010 13:29
Para: openlayers users
Asunto: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Simple print tool

Hi Carsten, 

Thanks for your response. You're right, I've tested printing the view_port 
without writing it in a popup, and the vector features are shown. The problem 
now is that I'm passsing to the print method the view_port div, but I get a 
printed image of all the document, but maybe that's more my task.

Just a question, is it possible to get the SVG objects of these features, and 
also print them in a window??


-----Mensaje original-----
De: Carsten Eider [mailto:ei...@fh-bingen.de] Enviado el: viernes, 26 de marzo 
de 2010 12:27
Para: David Alda Fernandez de Lezea
CC: openlayers users
Asunto: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] Simple print tool

Hi David,

from my point of view it is not possible to exchange vectors between windows as 
it would be a cross-site scripting.
One way could be to send the data to the server and request it again.


Am 26.03.2010 09:21, schrieb David Alda Fernandez de Lezea:
> Hi,
> I want to accomplish a simple print tool that prints the actual viewport of 
> the application. Until now, I've managed to create a popup window with the 
> viewport and the wms layers that I need, but I can't get some 
> OpenLayers.Vector layers with some features shown in the popup.
> Does anybody know how to do this??
> Thanks.
> Un saludo,
> ······································································
> ············
> David Alda Fernández de Lezea
> Lurralde eta Biodibertsitate Saila / Dpto. de Territorio y 
> Biodiversidad
> Granja Modelo s/n · 01192 · Arkaute (Araba)
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> email: da...@ikt.es                                web: www.ikt.es
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