Hello everyone,

I have a bug which I cannot solve. Was wandering if anyone could help.

I am trying to save a single point to a vector layer (this is originally a
shp file which I uploaded to GeoServer in two ways - as the shapefile itself
and as a postgis table, both of them produce the same error) following the
wfs-t example that comes with geoserver (geoserver/www/wfs-t.html).
When I try with the default page it works and saves the point to

Anyone has any ideas. I'm kind of in the dark. If you want any more info
about my data feel free to ask. I will answer immediately.

Thanks, João

Logs below:

When I send this POST Request:

<wfs:Transaction xmlns:wfs="http://www.opengis.net/wfs"; version="1.0.0"
<feature:pontos_interesse_min_postgis xmlns:feature="
<gml:MultiPoint xmlns:gml="http://www.opengis.net/gml";>
<gml:coordinates decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">

The Response is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wfs:WFS_TransactionResponse version="1.0.0"



<ogc:FeatureId fid="none"/>
Error performing insert

The GeoServer Log says:

2010-05-07 15:23:53,190 ERROR [geoserver.wfs] - Transaction failed
org.geoserver.wfs.WFSTransactionException: Error performing insert

2010-05-07 15:23:53,192 INFO [geoserver.wfs] -
Request: transaction
    handle = null
    service = WFS
    version = 1.0.0
    baseUrl = http://localhost:80/geoserver/
    providedVersion = null
    lockId = null
    group = 
objectid<objectid id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: id<id id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: nome<nome
id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null, SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute:
categoria<categoria id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: dtcc<dtcc
id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null, SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute:
the_geom<the_geom id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=]], handle: null,
idgen: <unset>, inputFormat: <unset>, srsName: null)]
    insert = [net.opengis.wfs.impl.insertelementtypei...@f53890 (feature:
objectid<objectid id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: id<id id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: nome<nome
id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null, SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute:
categoria<categoria id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null,
SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute: dtcc<dtcc
id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=null, SimpleFeatureImpl.Attribute:
the_geom<the_geom id=fid--6c61e3e8_128726979c6_-7fec>=]], handle: null,
idgen: <unset>, inputFormat: <unset>, srsName: null)]
    update = []
    delete = []
    native = []
    releaseAction = ALL

The PostGre log does not report anything.

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Shoot for the moon,
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- Unknown


What if for a moment, as an experiment,
you drop every belief that you have?
- Unknown


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