Hi Bart

Thanks for the help. I found  " if(!singleFile) {var jsfiles = new
Array(....." in OpenLayers.js and added 

  "OpenLayers/Control.js", "OpenLayers/Control/LoadingPanel.js",

at the end of the (very long) list of controls. Unfortunately I still get
the same result: "OpenLayers.Control.LoadingPanel is not a constructor" 

Did I do it wrong?


-----Original Message-----
From: Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS) [mailto:bart...@osgis.nl] 
Sent: 21 May 2010 09:05
To: chris.gr...@ibstv.co.uk
Cc: users@openlayers.org
Subject: Re: [OpenLayers-Users] loading panel question

Hi Chris,

if you do it this way, you need to add an entry to your OpenLayers.js:

   if(!singleFile) {
        var jsfiles = new Array(

Best regards,

> Hi list
> I have been trying to make the loading panel work, as per
> http://trac.openlayers.org/wiki/Addins/LoadingPanel but can't seem to make
> it work.
> I am using OL 2.8  (also tried 2.9 - same problem) which is referenced in
> my
> code as:  <script src="../OpenLayers-2.8/lib/OpenLayers.js"></script>.
> I downloaded LoadingPanel.js and put it in the directory
> OpenLayers-2.8/lib/OpenLayers/Control.  Then when creating a map I have:
> map = new OpenLayers.Map('map', options);
>  var loadingpanel = new OpenLayers.Control.LoadingPanel()
>                 map.addControl(loadingpanel);
> This throws an error in Firefox:  "OpenLayers.Control.LoadingPanel is not
> a
> constructor"
> The loading panel instructions talk about creating a single file build
> which
> I have not done - is this my problem, or should I be able to make this
> work
> with the OL 2.8  development libraries?
> Chris
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