
basically this requires writing your own format, which can extend

OpenLayers only supports the GML 3.1.1 Simple Features profile out of the


It should not be too hard to write the format. Make sure you add wfsos to
the namespaces array and add a reader function where necessary.

Btw, in your code below you are using the old GML parser.

Best regards,

> hi everyone,
> I have a problem adding a WFS request as overlay on the openlayers map.
> Is there a way to tell it to search for other featureProperty elements
> then the basic "gml:featureMember" ?
> Is it realy hard-coded into the parser source that the featureProperty
> name shall be "gml:featureMember" ?
> The WFS service is set up with a GML Application Profile which defines
> its "FeaturePropertyType" as a restriction of the generic
> gml:FeaturePropertyType (and similar for the FeatureCollectionType).
> This means that the structure of the GML returned from the WFS request is:
> <wfsos:featureCollection
> xmlns:wfsos="http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil"; ...
> schemaLocation="http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil ...>
>     <wfsos:featureMember>
>         <wfsos:feature>
>             <wfsos:oilSpill>
>                 <gml:Polygon srsName="EPSG:4326"> ........
> It seems that the featureCollection level is ignored (as well as the
> schema location - since the schema is not loaded), so that one is not
> the problem.
> I can set the name space prefix, and element name for the "feature"
> level and the geometry, but can't find any way to do this for the
> featureMember level!
> If I run this from a file, and change the wfsos:featureMember into
> gml:featureMember it works fine (even if it violates the schema).
> To repeat the question: Is there any way to instruct openlayers to look
> for wfsos:featureMember instead ?
> PS:
> Here is the code for the WFS request linkage:
>              wfs_ksat = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector(id, {
>                      strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX()],
>                      projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
>                      protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS.v1_0_0({
>                          url: ksatWFSuri,
>                          featureType: "feature",
>                          featureNS:
> "http://cweb.ksat.no/cweb/schema/geoweb/oil";,
>                          featurePrefix: "wfsos",
>                          geometryName: "oilSpill",
>                          srsName: "EPSG:4326",
>                          readFormat: new OpenLayers.Format.GML(),
>                          outputFormat: "GML2"
>                      }),
>                      styleMap: styleMap
>                  });
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