
Does anyone have the _exact_ proj4js definition for ESRI projections
EPSG:102100 and the older EPSG:102113?  

My maps have a y-coordinate shift (both north and south at different zooms)
off by many map pixels.  Always close, but no cigar. X-coordinate is always
dead on.  

I can add in ArcGIS online content as dynamic layer without any problems. 
But when adding cached tiles, there's always this shift.  Has anyone seen
this before and/or been able to resolve it?  I need to be able to use the
cached tiles.

I've used the one from spatialreference.org, as well as set it directly to
be equal to Google's EPSG:900913 but there's always a shift.  I've tried
many different variations with  +a and +rf and others but I feel like the
definition is missing a +towgs84=...  adjustment to properly correct for the
shift on the map but I have no way of knowing what those parameters should
be and whether it should be the 3-parameter adjustment or the 7-parameter

Here's my current definition:  

Proj4js.defs["EPSG:102100"] = "+proj=merc +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6378137
+b=6378137  +units=m +nadgri...@null";

+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0  doesn't help, but I feel like the right values in
there will fix the problem.

Thank you,


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