Hello all,

I am using a vector layer to highlight certain areas on a mapping application 
of I've created.  Each click resets the protocol url to a new location and 
refreshes the layer, pulling down a new feature (in GML, from GeoServer).

I'm having a strange issue - one of those GML files being pulled down by the 
vector layer is very large (800K).  When I'm zoomed way into the map, the 
vector layer doesn't highlight - whereas the smaller areas (smaller gml 
files...around 70K) around it highlight without issue.  So I'm not sure what's 
going on - I was using the GML (deprecated) layer, but I switched over to the 
Vector layer and I'm seeing the same issue.  Does anyone have any ideas?  I 
don't think my code will be particularly helpful, but I'll include it anyway....

  Creating the layer...

            gmlLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector( "GML", {strategies: [new 
                protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
                    format: new OpenLayers.Format.GML()

Each time a click occurs, a new url is passed in.  I've verified that the URL 
for the large GML file returns a valid GML file.  There's nothing particularly 
strange about it.

    setUrl = function(url){
        gmlLayer.protocol.options.url = url;

Let me know if there's anything else that would be particularly diagnostically 

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