Hi Imran/All,

Thanks for your response,

Just for your more clarity, I have a setup like this:

internal ip1 --- geoserver running
i am behind a proxy .. at proxy server apache is running at proxy server i
have added reverse proxy for geoserver

http://mydomain.com/geoserver     internal ip1

WMS request for geoserver inside the proxy is working fine but whenever i
query for getfeature info it is not giving the result .....
i.e. the request  www.someDomain.com/geoserver  is displaying the map from
inside the proxy but not giving the feature info on clicking . ALso it is
not showing any error in firefox error console ..
>From certain forum I got to know that we should add PROXY_BASE_URL in our
web.xml ... I tried adding it but still no result..

Also I have another problem ....when i open  www,.somedomain.com/geoserver
from outside the proxy ... the WMS request also stops working...

So in this case, are they 2 from different domains?
Will json be helpfull in this case?

M. Rizwan Khan

On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Imran Rajjad <raj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi.
> Is geoserver and your webpage in different domains? if Yes? then are
> you request wfs response in XML format (e.g) GML, if Yes? then it will
> not work because XML data can only be retreived through same domanin.
> This is called SOP , same origin policy that all browsers follow, if
> your page came from www.abc.com it cannot post xmlhttp request to
> www.xyz.com .. in your case you should use JSON
> regards,
> Imran
> On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 2:24 PM, M. Rizwan Khan <mrizwan1.k...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am using Geoserver and openlayers for visualizing, when i am accessing
> it
> > with IP Address ( it is working fine,
> but
> > if a view any layer using the Domain (http://www.some-name.com/........)
> > name i am unable to view the info of the features when clicked on it.
> > I could see the Map in both the case, just the problem is of the response
> of
> > GetFeatureInfo.
> > Could anyone help me out with this.
> >
> > Regards,
> > M. Rizwan Khan
> >
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