
The OpenLayers.Layer.WFS layer cannot be used with a style map.

Use the OpenLayers.Layer.Vector layer instead (as do all of our WFS 
examples): http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/?q=wfs

Though you may have a small number of features, they look to have a 
large number of coordinates.

 From where I sit, the document below took 10 seconds to load (4 seconds 
waiting, 4 seconds receiving, and about 2 seconds parsing).  That's the 
time required before the OpenLayers GML parser even has a chance to start.


You may have to do some work on the server side (simplifying features) 
before you can expect better performance on the client.


On 7/27/10 12:04 PM, Robert Zimmermann wrote:
> I want to draw a WFS Source from GeoServer.
> It's working, but very slowly. Firefox stop the script because it’s slow.
> There are only 16 polygons with some rules. Is that speed normal? Can i
> speed up it?
> Have somebody a idea?
> var style_11 = new OpenLayers.Style();
> var rulenr17 = new OpenLayers.Rule({
> title: "5000-<6000",
> filter: new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
> type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.BETWEEN,
> property: "d_wert",
> lowerBoundary: 5000,
> upperBoundary: 6000}),
> symbolizer: {fillColor: "#FEE5D9",
> fillOpacity: 0.9, strokeColor: "black"}
> });
> var rulenr18 = new OpenLayers.Rule({
> title: "6000-<7000",
> filter: new OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison({
> type: OpenLayers.Filter.Comparison.BETWEEN,
> property: "d_wert",
> lowerBoundary: 6000,
> upperBoundary: 7000}),
> symbolizer: {fillColor: "#FCAE91",
> fillOpacity: 0.9, strokeColor: "black"}
> });
> …
> …
> style_11.addRules([rulenr17,rulenr18,rulenr19,rulenr20,rulenr21]);
> var haeufigkeitsverteilung = new OpenLayers.Layer.WFS(
> "Häufigkeitsverteilung 2009",
> "http://zimrob.com:8080/geoserver/wfs";,
> {typename: 'crimewebgis:pks_haeufigkeitsverteilung_2009'},
> {extractAttributes: true,isBaseLayer:true,visibility:false}
> );
> map.addLayer(haeufigkeitsverteilung);
> haeufigkeitsverteilung.styleMap = new OpenLayers.StyleMap(style_11);
> regards
> Robert
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