> Second:
> When I use your wfs server with EPSG:23031, then the points will display in
> Barcelona. But only for the layer "cloud2". The gml for the layers named by
> numbers are not valid.<ms:4>  seems to be no correct tag.

Correct. I am not using #4 in this demo, only cloud2.

> the point in the snippet you have posted, lies if the projection is right,
> south-east of Mallorca. If you take the projection EPSG:23031, then it
> should be in Barcelona.

Ah, I missed that; the numbers in the 2 SRSs are similar (250k x 5M) and 
I didn't notice that

I added the PROJECTION to the LAYER and you're right, the numbers come 
out differently. Strange, I thought that layers would inherit the MAP's 
projection. I guess not in this case.

This still didn't get the features showing up, and I'm not sure why. 
BUT... I just got the email about 20 minutes ago that the project was 
cancelled over the weekend -- so never mind. Thanks for the effort, 
Arnd! It IS appreciated!

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