Dear OSGeo Community,

As most of you are likely aware there is a major natural disaster continuing
to unfold in Pakistan due to major flooding. The Sahana Software Foundation
is currently standing up an instance of Sahana Eden that is being used in
support of the relief efforts in Pakistan at

Sahana Eden is an open source rapid application development framework that
is built on the Web2Py framework including a mapping portal that is built
using OpenLayers and GeoExt. Sahana Eden works with open standards wherever

The Sahana Software Foundation is seeking volunteers to help with the
following tasks:

   - Data Entry
   - OpenLayers/GeoExt Enhancements and Bug Fixing
   - Finding supporting data layers and services for the mapping portal,
   standing up OpenLayers accessible web services (WMS/KML/GeoRSS etc) where
   data is available but no services exist
   - Integration of MapFish or GeoServer Print Service
   - General Python development with Web2Py

Volunteers will need to be patient and understand that our ability to help
you help us may be limited by the work that our developers need to maintain
in coordination with those who are using this portal for their responses.
Further information about the Sahana Software Foundation Flood Response can
be found at Our current
development needs can be found at Those interested
in assisting our efforts should sign up to the mailing list at  Our developers are
coordinating our response on IRC on Freenode channel #sahana-eden, please
join and introduce yourselves.

Thank you,

David Bitner
Sahana Software Foundation Board of Directors

*The Sahana Software Foundation mission is to help alleviate human suffering
by giving emergency managers, disaster response professionals and
communities access to the information that they need to better prepare for
and respond to disasters through the development and promotion of free and
open source software and open standards.*
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