You might need to setup a proxy to get GML and WFS layers, since they fetch them with XmlHttpRequest...

On 25/08/2010 05:12, ilias kanellos wrote:

I am trying to read a GML and put it on my map. From what I've read, the correct way to do so is to use a vector layer that will read a file with GML format. As I am still just trying to understand how this works, I am trying to create a layer, as it is done on the openLayers example page. More specifically, I am trying to make a layer from this file: However something seems to go wrong, either with the layer itself, or with adding the layer to the map. I am not sure where exactly. My code looks like this:

var newGMLOverlay = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("GML",
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()], protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP(
url: "";, format: new OpenLayers.Format.GML(
extractAttributes: true
alert("Number of features is " + newGMLOverlay.features.length);

The alert commad shows me that there are no features in the vector layer I created, and nothing displays on the map. I already have a vector layer that is on the map, that is added when the map is initialised. Both the original vector layer and the GML display on the layerswitcher, but nothing is displayed for gml. Do I need to take an extra step (like somehow parsing the file of the url) in order to display the features from the GML file on my map,
or am I doing something else wrong?

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