On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Christian Niemitz-Rossant
<c...@m-click.de> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> after filing the ticket
> http://trac.openlayers.org/ticket/2812
> I got a message from Ilias, because he had to deal with the same problem.
> His solution to add to the selectCtrl an onUnselect and in this function to
> call
> highlightCtrl.unhighlight(feature);
> works fine for me. The two controls interfere and by calling a function of
> one in the other solves the problem. Anyway I think that a solution of only
> one control for highlight and select might be valuable, or?
> Otherwise an example for this problem should be under examples and I would
> be happy to provide it.

Hi. I just attached a patch to the ticket. Could you tell if it works
for you, and comment back in the comment please? Thanks.

Eric Lemoine

Camptocamp France SAS
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