Hi Tubular,

Well, I just inspected headers and see that I had fooled myself. My original subscription request was:

    Subject:   Subscribe to OpenOffice Users Mailing List
    Body:       Hello,     Subscribe tapan...@ieee.org

My reply to the "confirm subscribe to ooo-us...@incubator.apache.org"  was:

    Subject:   Confirm Subscription to ooo-user Mailing List
    Body:       Hi, I do want to subscribe to the ooo-users mailing list,
BUT I would prefer that my mail be set to my Reply-To Address: tapan...@ieee.org
                   Rather than to my From Address: tap.h...@verizon.net

The resulting WELCOME message said in part:

     Acknowledgment: I have added the address
      to the ooo-users mailing list.
      Welcome to ooo-us...@incubator.apache.org!
      Please save this message so that you know the address you are
subscribed under, in case you later want to unsubscribe or change your
      subscription address.

So, my attempt to con the list server to use my IEEE Remailer address failed.

It looks like people are not allowed to subscribe via their preferred remailer addresses.

You must have actually been seeing people writing from ISP supplied addresses other than the ISP provided addresses from which they subscribed.

You must be right -- Maybe some others have been under the same misconception which I just aired. Maybe this will help them.



On 3/10/14 10:57 PM, Tubular wrote:
Thank you, Tom for the insight; however, if these people cannot send email from these type of email addresses, how did they get on the list to start with?

Tom Panfil wrote:
Hello OpenOffice Apache Moderators,

I don't want to unsubscribe from any of the three project lists to which I subscribe (users, dev, api) but like you, I've seen too many requests sent to the lists from people who want to unsubscribe. I assume that something is finally done administratively to unsubscribe their addresses since they eventually stop pestering.

Many people who are members of ACM or IEEE or other professional associations register using a Remailer Address serviced by the organization. The use of a Remailer Address enables provision of at least the following services by the organization:

 * Virus scanning of mail sent to the member's "Remailer Address"
 * Quarantining of S--- sent to the member's "Remailer Address" --
   Note that I did not use the "S-Word" since using it might cause
   Verizon refuse to send the message considering it to be S----.
 * Forwarding of non-infected non-S--- messages to the member's ISP
   provided addresses.
 * Ease of changing of ISPs by simply registering a new ISP supplied
   e-mail address with the Remailer Service so that mail sent to the
   Remailer address is forwarded to the member's "new" current ISP
   provided address.  Correspondents need not be informed of the change
   of ISP.

These people *cannot* send from their Remailer Addresses. They can and usually do include their preferred Remailer Address in the Reply-To field of their message headers. Their e-mail messages are sent from their ISP provided addresses.

So, I think that a significant proportion of those who send to the list asking to be removed have tried sending to the address in the footer of the messages and were not removed from the list since they are subscribed with a Remailer Address. That address from which they are send is different from the address which is subscribed

I recommend that some mechanism be established for such subscribers to take action to be removed from OpenOffice Apache lists. The instructions they need should be provided in the footer with the other three instructions.

I can't imagine that *no* developers and maintainers of OpenOffice know of Remailer Addresses. How could this problem have festered so long? Does the project cadre really not know about Remailer Addresses? If you can maintain Apache projects you must be able to understand this dilemma now that I have explained it somewhat clearly, I think.

Note that I am subscribed via an IEEE Remailer address.

I'd no doubt have the same problem which these other poor souls have if I'd try to unsubscribe.

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG - www.avg.com
Version: 2012.0.2241 / Virus Database: 3722/6671 - Release Date: 03/09/14

               Tom Panfil
           eBureaucrat (Ret.)
            H: 301.498.7313
            C: 301.741.3637
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