 Thank you for your very quick response, I have been toying with the problem 
over the last few hours, I noted that one document had locked after the title 
which I changed, shortly after I had to restart the computer as it would not 
open any files, low and behold the documents are now O.K. even a problem I had 
with the time it was taking to go into Open Office seems to have resolved 
The problem I had was with all my documents but this has also resolved itself 
and they are all behaving.
Many thanks for your suggestion I will log this in case I get a similar 
Kind regards
On 25 Mar 2014, at 12:01, Dave Barton <d...@tasit.net> wrote:

> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Roy Grainger <roy.grain...@sky.com>
> To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 10:39:57 +0000
>> Using Apple Mac - Open Office- I can produce and save a document, when I go 
>> back into it I only get a snapshot and am unable to access/enlarge and work 
>> on it. I can copy documents via a memory stick onto a Laptop (not an Apple) 
>> where I can then work on it.
>> Have tried deleting and reinstalling Open Office but get the same results. 
>> This has recently occurred and effects all of my documents.
>> Any help will be gratefully received.
> Roy,
> It sounds like you have inadvertently changed your document's zoom
> setting. Open your document, look in the bottom right hand corner of the
> document window and you will see an area with a percentage (maybe 20%)
> value. Right click in that area and from the context (pop-up) menu that
> appears select a different (maybe 100% or Page Width) option. Now save
> your document and when you open it again it should have the same zoom
> setting.
> Hope this helps.
> Dave

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