Hi Paolo,

paolo.caporello schrieb:
from Paolo Caporello
after release 3.4.1, all versions marked by initial 4 present the same
problem (not present in previous versions).
after generation of a graph into CALC, if I try to copy the graph onto
the same sheet (or a different sheet, or to a WRTER document), the
copied graph not appears as originally builded and the shape is totally
different from the original

That should not happen with AOO4.1. But perhaps you have checked to use the source formatting for formatting the numbers? You should change this setting and set the formatting in the chart directly. Because after copy & paste the connection to the original data range is cut (see below) and therefore the source formatting is no longer available.

Plus, on the copied graph (on CALC) it is not accessible the option
(after double click un the graph itself) "format" -> "data" perviously
very useful to modify graph, insert new data set, or other

In 4.1 the behavior was changed, that a copy&paste via clipboard cuts the connection to the original document and the values are provided as internal data table. You get "Star Object Descriptor (XML)", both with paste icon drop-down list and with "special paste". This contains already the change of the data source. Such content of the clipboard is better usable for inserting a chart into a application other than Calc.

To explain clearly my issue, I attach a simple CALC sheet with a graph
wherre the bottom graphs were copied from the original by "copy" and
"paste the first and by "copy" and "special paste" followed by option
"metafile GDI" the second.

Attachments are not possible in this mailing list. But I think, I understand your problem without example file.

It is easy to see the result: copied graphs are very different from the
original, and they are not modifiables

The item "metafile GDI" provides a pure picture of the chart, without any data. That is not what you want. To get a copy, which preserves the data ranges, you can drag-copy the chart using the mouse or using the Navigator.

Using the mouse open the target sheet (if it is a different one) in a new Window. Inside one file you can do this by menu Window > New Window. Size the windows to be side-by-side. Click on the chart, and hold down the mouse button two seconds, then drag it to the target while _pressing the Ctrl-key_.

Using Navigator open the target sheet, so that you can see it on screen. Open the Navigator of the source document. The chart is an OLE object. Therefore open that category. Switch the drag mode from default "Insert as Hyperlink" to "Insert as copy" in the header of the Navigator or in the context menu of the chart object item in the Navigator. Drag the chart object item from the Navigator to the target sheet.

A drag-copy with data range $Sheet1.$A$1:$B$6 for example, will still refer this data range when inserted into Sheet2. I don't know a way to make the address relative. When you drag-copy to a different file, the the data range is still the same, but now refer to this range in the target file, because the address does not contain the file name.

Kind regards

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