At 11:46 13/05/2014 -0400, Doug McGarrett wrote:

It's interesting that you had to excise my comment before you commented further - presumably so that you could avoid facing it!

You could only change it if you messed with "styles," which is what I said.

No, that's not what you said: what you actually said (I'll check) is (about the use of styles) 'even if you could see what was happening, you could not change it "on the fly," ...'. And that's not true: you can make local changes if you prefer or, if you are using styles (one of the purposes of which is to maintain consistency between similar but possibly disparate areas of a document), you can just as easily change the style - to change all the areas to which it is applied. And that is *what you would want*, of course. (If you think you wouldn't want that, then you have yet to appreciate the point of styles.)

You couldn't just arbitrarily change one thing, like you can in WordPerfect, or many other word processors or editors.

Oh, you can, you can! And you can also change many things at once, using styles. Take your pick.

I have never seen anything as _in_flexible as OO/LO!

If you are claiming limited experience, I can't comment, of course.

I find "styles" to be a strait-jacket I don't wish to wear!

You seem to be under the impression that I'm attempting to persuade you to like OpenOffice, but I'm not. I'm perfectly happy for you to be like the majority of the world's population - non-users of OpenOffice. What I think is unfortunate is that you should misrepresent its powers to an audience (of perhaps thousands?) who may be prepared to like it.

Brian Barker

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