
> Dear Ms/Mr? Carson, (at

It's mister, for the record.  "Carson" is a name of Norse origin from
the words for "marsh" and "son."  You'd think that with the word "son"
actually in it, people would only use it for boys, but this turns out
not to be the case.
> BUT, BUT, last week, when I clicked on "clues" (to put in the puzzle
> title and my name), for the first time ever a screen came up called
> ASCII Filter Options. It had 3 properties: Character set: Arabic
> (ISO-8859-6) Default fonts: Times New Roman (I use Arial 10) and
> Language: English (USA). At the bottom of this screen was: Paragraph
> break: CR & LF were highlighted while CR and LF by themselves were not
> highlighted.

I'm not sure, but I think your difficulties may stem from the character
set here.  Unless you're composing your puzzles in Arabic, there's no
reason to be using ISO-8859-6.  Normally, an American writing in English
would use one of the following:

    - ISO-8859-1
    - Windows-1252
    - ASCII
    - UTF-8

UTF-8 is the best and most modern of these, but any of them should work
for someone using American English.
> 1) Would it be better for a klutz like me just to delete Open Office
> altogether and use the freebie WordPad that came packaged with 8.1?

I can't answer that one.  If you still have old Word (or other Microsoft
Office) documents from your XP machine that you need to be able to open,
WordPad may not cut it.  But if all you're concerned with is being able
to compose new documents, it might meet your needs.
> 2) If I decide to use Open Office's Writer as my word processor,
> should I somehiow delete Wordpad?

There's no need to do that.  If you don't use WordPad, all that happens
is that it takes up some space on the disk, harming no one.  

> 3) Is there any danger at all that, if I used Open Office Writer as my
> wordprocessor (I now use WorpPad), it will automatically change that
> ,txt thing from WordPad back to Open Office?

It will not do so automatically.  You could choose to change it, but as
long as you do not do so, it will remain the same.

> choose "Save as" (your suggestion), which is the specific "plain text"
> letters I should choose? .txt? those for Rich text? Others? (I have no
> idea of what the purchased crossword program uses for anything.)

Having never used the crossword program you have, I can't say for sure
what the correct option would be for you.  However, I can say that in
*general* plain text--which OpenOffice designates by "Text (.txt)"--is
the most portable between programs and systems.  

> I know I have taken advantage of your courtesy by biting the hand that
> fed me. Even though you may feel it prudent not to answer this, thank
> you for taking the time to read it,

Not at all.  This mailing list is specifically for not just those who
have questions or problems, but also those who have chosen to assist
where they can.  If I were unwilling to try to do that, I could just
unsubscribe from the list.  :)

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