On Sat, 24 May 2014 09:13:00 -0500, Ariel Constenla-Haile <arie...@apache.org> wrote:

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:32:51PM -0500, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Also shouldnt be hard to include in the core of AOO, just edit the UI
default menu calling the function that does the process.

Example here:
and the code here:
The question is how and why do we do this this way and if those points are
still valid.

A nonsense. ".uno:WordCountDialog" shows the "Word Count" dialog, and
the user can already customize a toolbar by adding this command, as it
was suggested to the OP (the command is under "Category" "Options" with
the name "Word Count".

Why this is not included by default on the xcu from the toolbar is the real question, shuffling code around, is really not the biggest issue.

It does make sense to have it on Properties and Tools. Having them on the
taskbar seems out of place. Just cuz MSO does it, is not a good excuse.

Another nonsense. These are completely different features: a modal
dialog that blocks all user input until it is closed vs. a live status
indicator that gets updated as the user works with her/his document.

Not sure how you define feature, for a user, a word counting tool is the same feature regarding of its on a modal dialog or a live status. It serves the same porpouse. And yes, originally I just advocate to have the modal dialog triggered from the toolbar or from a different menu option (maybe the panels). Live status was only clear now. This 'live' features is a different workflow of code but not a different solution for the user IMO.


Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Committer

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