At 17:17 28/05/2014 +0100, Christopher Hallsworth wrote:
Not sure if you can help on this one but when I write a document with lines starting with 1, 2, 3, OpenOffice wants to help by filling them in for me. But I do not want that; I wish to be in complete control of that. Please can you tell me, where do I go to turn this seemingly helpful feature off?

It doesn't happen with just numbers, I think, but it does if you add a full stop or a right parenthesis: "1." or "1)". Two answers:

o The action of pressing Enter to complete the first paragraph causes an automatic "correction" which you will notice. The correction is a separate process from the paragraph break that you actually want. So if you go *immediately* to Edit | Undo (or Ctrl+Z), you can remove the correction but retain the part you need.

o If you really want to disable this correction process completely, remove the tick from Tools | AutoCorrect Options... | Options | Apply numbering - symbol: *.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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