I trust this is being sent to an appropriate address and that I will get a
real reply, not reference to a blog or similar [never useful for me

Having installed OpenOffice 4.1 on several computers which already had a
version of MSWORD installed, I find

1] Microsoft Word is no longer usable on each of those computers, in fact
seems to have been uninstalled.
2] A document opened and edited in OpenOffice, then transferred to another
computer on which is installed MSWORD, can not be opened in MSWORD.
3] These observations apply whether the version of MSWORD concerned is of
2010 or earlier vintage.

This interferes with the way in which I wish to conduct my affairs. I wish
to have access to both word-processing programmes on the same computers and to
convert documents from one to the other at will. How can I do those

Tom Boyde

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