I want to updating to the latest version of OpenOffice but was concerned when I 
came to the part where I was ready to install the installation instructions 
said it would, "Remove all older product versions".  I understand that but will 
all of my files still be accessible?  I don't want to lose any of them.  They 
were created with the 3.4.1 version. Thanks for your help. Bill             
Something to think about. . .
"But as many as received him (Jesus Christ), to them gave he power to become 
the sons of God, even to them that believe on his (Jesus Christ) name."  John 
Question:  If we are all God's children, as some believe, how can we become 
what we already are?Answer:  According to God's word (Bible), we are not a 
child of God unless we believe on Jesus Christ as our Saviour.  Paul, speaking 
to Christians said, "For ye are all children of God by faith in Christ Jesus."  
Galatians 3:26

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