2015-04-12 14:00 GMT+02:00 sue gordon <suegord...@hotmail.com>:

> Hi Dave,
> I have tried this but cannot figure out how to get the default template I
> created to open automatically. I create a template,

save etc, then when I reopen its the same old default with size 12 font! I
> would be forced to go through the whole default setting rigmarole each time
> or search for the one I created, and I dont want to have to take any more
> time than I already have to, in changing the font size.
> Sue

Okay, let's see what happens if I do this right now as I type. I have a
similar issue: My default font in Apache OpenOffice Calc is Arial 10 and I
want Liberation Sans 10, so I will now change that in Calc; I'm sure it
works similarly in Writer, but I never use it, so… Ok, let's work:
First I open the styles dialogue (the ”Stylist” – they seem to have
forgotten to translate that to my language), F11. I verify that every cell
in every sheet is using the Arial font.
There's a style called ”Standard”, since I run Calc in Swedish. I'm pretty
sure this style is called ”Default” if Calc runs in English.
First I open a new spreadsheet in Calc.
I right click the style, then I click ”edit” (”ändra”).
I do the necessary changes, then OK. So far, so good. Every cell in every
sheet seems to be Liberation Sans now, rather than Arial.
Now, save as template with these new settings:
In categories, click My Templates, if it's not already selected. Then enter
the name of the new template in the new template field in the dialogue that
popped up.
Click OK.
Now to the important stuff. The template is there, now we need to make it
the default template, that loads every time a new spreadsheet is created:
File → Template (or whatever, ”Dokumentmall” in Swedish, that's all I
know…) → Organise…
I double click the folder ”My templates” to expand it. There I find my new
Right click the new template and select ”Define as default template” or
I then click Close and open a new spreadsheet. That new spreadsheet should
have the new settings.
And they have. Liberation Sans 10 everywhere, exactly like desired.

I hope this helps somehow, at least, even though I did it in Calc and I
guess you are trying to do it in Writer.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

> > Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 13:52:35 +0200
> > From: d...@tasit.net
> > To: users@openoffice.apache.org
> > CC: suegord...@hotmail.com
> > Subject: Re: Default font size
> >
> > -------- Original Message  --------
> > From: sue gordon <suegord...@hotmail.com>
> > To: Apache OpenOffice Users <users@openoffice.apache.org>
> > Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2015 12:02:18 +0100
> >
> > > Hi Hope you can help.
> > >
> > > I have for a long time been trying to set the default font size to 11
> but each time I open up a new doc it has reverted to 12 again. Not earth
> shattering but annoying.
> > >
> > > I have searched for the remedy and completed several different methods
> of setting it but to no avail!
> > >
> > > I just want to open my OO text document and for it to be set at Aerial
> 11 rather than 12.
> > >
> > > Any ideas?
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Sue
> >
> > The font size is reverting every time because new documents require some
> > basic default settings (eg. page size, font type, font size, etc.) These
> > setting are obtained from the standard default template.
> >
> > What you need to do is create your own custom default template.
> > See:
> >
> https://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/OOo3_User_Guides/Calc_Guide/Setting_a_default_template
> >
> > This information is also available in the in-built help facility. Go to
> > the Writer menu, select the "Help -> OpenOffice Help F1" option and
> > search for "custom templates" or "Changing Default Templates ".
> >
> > Hope this helps
> >
> > Dave
> >
> >

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