Hi Randall,

From one old man to another. My responses are given in-line with your
original message.

-------- Original Message --------
From: Randall Whitsitt <randommo...@outlook.com>
To: Apache OpenOffice Users <users@openoffice.apache.org>
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 2015 19:23:01 +0000

> Just spent two hours on site and forums only to be convinced your web 
> designer should be fired.

You are entitled to your opinion and free speech is like free software,
you have the option to use it or not. However, it is a little unusual to
insult the people from who you next ask for help. This is a FOSS (Free
Open Source Software) volunteer project, not a business/corporation and
anyone replying to your request will be a user just like yourself.

> I AM ON OLD MAN who got this way with “SuperCalc” and “Excel”.   Why don’t 
> the formulas that have been used for the past 30 years work with OpenOffice 
> Calc?

There are many possible answers to that question, but here are two that
come to mind:

 1. Apache OpenOffice is not, and neither was it's predecessor
    OpenOffice.org, designed to be some kind of "el-cheapo" MS Office
    "knock-off clone". It was and still is, developed from a totally
    different basis to create equally useful software.

 2. "Grumpy Old Men" like us generally dislike change, but things do
    change. That's life and we have to accept it. ;)

> Your Lessons and tutorials are both poorly laid out and TOTALLY INADEQUATE to 
> answer specific questions.

Yes, we have millions of (mostly appreciative) users, but only a
relatively small number of volunteers contributing to the work of the
project. Regrettably, documentation is one of the main areas where this
shortage is most evident. "Old Timers", with a bit of spare time,
sometimes help out with reviewing/correcting/updating existing
documentation. So if you have a moment feel free to help out. No
experience necessary.

> I want to transfer data from a cell on one page into a cell on another.

This is all you needed to ask and here is the answer:
Assuming you have data (eg. 123) in cell A1 of sheet 1 and you wanted
that same data as a formula in another cell (eg. B6) of sheet 2.

    In Excel the formula in B6 of sheet 2 is: =Sheet1!A1
    In Apache OpenOffice the formula in B6 of sheet 2 is: =Sheet1.A1

The exclamation mark is replaced by a period/full stop.

> Please send me a list of valid formulas for OpenOffice Calc.

There are other resources, but take a look at Appendix B of the Calc
User Guide version 3.3 on this page:
It's a bit dated (remember the volunteer shortage), but it should be of
some help to you.
Also look in Calc's main menu "Help" option.

Other list subscribers have taken the time to reply to your request, but
since you are not subscribed to the list I have taken the liberty of
redirecting copies to you. Please reply to the
users@openoffice.apache.org mailing list only, not directly to me.


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