Hi Jim,

OpenOffice can't open Publisher files, but a group of open source
developers at the Document Liberation Project
http://www.documentliberation.org/ developed a library a while back
(libmspub) that allows any open source program that wants it access to the
MS Publisher file format. That library is included in at least LibreOffice
and Scribus to my knowledge, and which you choose depends on what you want
to do with the file afterwards. I'm not aware of software to write the MS
Publisher format though, so this will be a one-way import into the
program(s) you choose and their chosen format(s).



On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 10:56 PM, Jim Thompson <
openoff...@analog-innovations.com> wrote:

> Can OpenOffice 4.1.1 open Publisher Files?
>                                         ...Jim Thompson

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