At 21:19 14/11/2015 +0000, Karen Cook wrote:
How do I add another page of labels to the document I have started?

Are you using the official way to create labels (File | New > | Labels)? If so, create your page image - with the field names you require - but don't select the required records yet from the data source. Now go to File | Print... (yes: that may seem perverse!) and in response to the challenge "Do you want to print a form letter?", select Yes. Now you will see the data source display again and can make your selection of records, possibly requiring more than one page of labels.

You may find that the document produced has alternate pages blank. If so, this is because OpenOffice is accounting for the possibility that your printer may be set up to print double-sided. (You will want the backs of your labels to be blank!) If you are using a single-sided printer, you can suppress this by removing the tick at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Print | Other | Print automatically inserted blank pages. You will discover this when you create test prints on waste paper before actually printing on your label stock.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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