BTW I recently tried to force an update on my early 2009 Macbookpro running 
Yosemite 10.10.5 and ended up with a corrupted system. 

After an anxious period opened 

Disk Utility
Selected Hardrive
Verify Disk Permissions
Repair Disk Permissions

Problems solved, back on OO 4. 1. 1 and see no need for an update. 


> On Jan 24, 2016, at 4:02 PM, Daryl Schneider <> wrote:
> New update will not install. I have read the “READ ME” file and tried 
> everything I know how and still can’t get beyond what you see attached.
> Running latest update of Yosemite on Macbook Pro late 2013
> My system message says the version I am trying to install is not real. It 
> came from your site so how is that possible?
> <Opem Office error.png>
> M. Daryl Schneider
> 727-409-1723

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