First - english is definitly not my native language, but I hope it's nearly correct what I write ... ;-)

Often people do not click to links ... lists

1. Respect one another
(2. is not important at this point)
3. Be Nice
4. Don't Respond When You are Angry
5. Relax

I personally prefere not to read some politcal or religous statements on a mailinglist like this, but for me, that was a signature wich is not important to me.

I remember an old song ... I modify the text a little it

"please" and "sorry" seems to be the hardest words ...

... but I'll use them

Please don't send us some political or religous statements - they maybe bless somebodys soul

Please keep away the fingers from keyboard if you are angry

Sorry that I kept my fingers not away from keyboard but I tryed to use other words than ...

And pleace use these kind of virtual glasses, which filters out what you don't want to read ;)

I wish you a pleasant, relaxed and peaceful sunday

Am 12.06.2016 um 03:21 schrieb Dave Fisher:
A reminder to all that there is a code of conduct on this mailing list.

It is found here

I suggest that you read it because my recollection over the years is that you 
do not respect it.

Please be constructive. I suspect that this message will be lost to you. Others 
on this list should appreciate that we intend this to be a positive place for 
users to get help.


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