My copy of Writer recently stopped insert current dates, page numbers, etc.  I 
attempted to get on the community forum to get a solution for this. However, I 
found that I am locked out from logging in.  As suggested, I tried to re 
register.  That was not allowed as my e-mail address was already in use, by me 
from the previous account.  Since my e-mail account was already in use by me, I 
am not allowed to request a password change either.  Then the forum website 
suggested contacting the administrator.  But attempts to find out how to 
contact the administrator could not work either without a address for that.
What are we suppose to do?  Can you forward this to the administrator to get 
this fixed?
Cliff Sanfordc1sanford@yahoo.com810-728-8737
P.S. You also don't have a phone number on the website. 

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