At 10:32 22/01/2017 -0500, Vince Bonly wrote:
I keep track of my bowling scores in a AOO 4.1.2 Calc file on WIN10 desktop. I take the time to enter scores above a certain threshold in Red font color.

You probably shouldn't "take the time" to do this, but use conditional formatting to do it for you automatically.

I would like to count the number of times a score within a range of cells is above the specified threshold. For example:
Is this possible to do?

I don't see any obvious way to do this.

I tried: =COUNTIF(D439:K453,>174), but that does not work and did not return any error ref.

I'm surprised you see no error. The simple answer is that you have the COUNTIF() function's syntax slightly wrong. You can use
with Xn containing the string >10 (with no quotes), but if you want to put the condition in the formula itself - which is very often convenient, of course - you need to express it in quotes:
=COUNTIF(D439:K453,">174") .

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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