At 10:25 02/03/2017 +0000, Jordan Davis wrote:
I'm using OpenOffice and I'm using a table (to show a football league table)

Is this in a spreadsheet or in a table in a text document? I'm guessing the latter.

... and when putting in the goal difference I want to put +4 etc but the + disappears every time. Is there a way around this?

Remove the tick at Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Table | Input in tables | Number recognition.

Also, I want to border the bottom of just one row but whenever I insert a border the row increases in height and is bigger than all the other rows.

I'm not sure you can avoid this happening as you edit, but you can set row heights explicitly either collectively or separately at Table | Autofit > | Row Height... . You will want to remove the tick from "Fit to size".

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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