Dear Jim,

I had the same problem and even when I have tried to leave the bloody awful, 
useless help forums because of ridiculously unhelpful and abusive comments from 
various adjudicators, I am still inundated with emails from people I don`t 
know. I mark them all as phishing scam and bin them.  You won`t get any help 
and I have no idea how Apache Open Office are even still operating, they are 
rubbish and a stain on humanity.

From: James Plante <>
Sent: 07 April 2017 05:21
Subject: Re: Malicious Posters


> On Apr 6, 2017, at 6:20 PM, John Hart <> wrote:
> Why do moderators of this list allow malicious posters to ruin it's 
> effectiveness? On 4/6/2017 3:31 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: Get an actual 
> computer and operating system instead of an Apple product. --- On 3/9/2017 
> 5:20 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: You really are a  dumb fuck. --- On 2/26/2017 
> 12:16PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: And yet you've responded twice to my post, 
> which you could have ignored. You apparently do think I care, and lack the 
> self restraint to control yourself. I own you. --- On 2/26/2017 10:38AM, Jim 
> McLaughlin wrote: Imagine how much I care what you think. --- 2017-02-26 
> 18:01 GMT+01:00 Jim McLaughlin Why would Microsoft alter Windows Defender in 
> Win 10 to make use of open source garbage like OO 4.1.3 easier? <clip> You 
> are at best naive. --- On 2/6/2017 1:42 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: I give you 
> a litany of the defects that have plagued OO since at least ver 2.0, 
> unrepaired, and yourr response is personal perjorative insults. --- On 
> 2/6/2017 1:09 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: OO is a bad joke. yaers and years 
> with the same defects, --- On 2/2/2017 10:30 AM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: So you 
> are a dumb shit incapable of receiving advice in th omly manner in which it 
> is offered. --- On 1/29/2017 12:29 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: Yet another 
> instane of a long festering defect in the OO "organization" --- On 1/5/2017 
> 7:19 PM, Jim McLaughlin wrote: SElf proclaimed Apple fanatics like Goeyass 
> are incapable of actually learning. Etc........

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