On 10/06/17 7:43 AM, Patti C wrote:
Could you please *specify* how the *extension*(*s*) is/are *going* to
*apply* to *each* of the* individual* *program*(s) of Open Office for
extension download(s) using simple terminology?

Extensions are not created or maintained by Apache OpenOffice they are shared by individuals
It's up to you to use them if you wish.

Could you please *state* the *name*(s) of the *publisher*(*s*) for each
Open Office *download* and/or *extension*(*s*) with the Open Office* Logo*
of the blue circle with imagery of two white seagulls flying or the feather
and guarantee of no malicious spyware, malware, virus(es), etc........

If you download from OpenOffice.org only there are no spyware, malware or viruses.

Could you please *develop* in *Draw* a professional layout for greeting
front cover, back of front cover inside page on left-hand side, back cover
and inside page on right-hand side of back cover.?

You can create your own layout and save it as a template to reuse the layout next time.

Could you please *show* the *correct* *placement positions* for *company
name* and* logo*. as well as *copyright* *emblem* and* information* on the*
back* *cover* page outside?

Again you can create this yourself and save it as a template

Could you *please* have the *standard professional **greeting* *card*
*measurements* to be selected for each Drawing page pane concerning the
length and width of greeting card layout(s) in inches and centimeters?

This is something you should do yourself.

Could you please provide beginning and end date time stamp(s) for each
Drawing File when each individual picture was placed within each individual
Drawing pane; as well as when the text verse was created for each
individual Picture  placed in each individual Drawing Pane, for copyright
legality verification purpose(s).

Draw is a drawing tool not a cover your ... tool (please fill in the blanks yourself for legality purpose).

Could you *please* get a *Solutions For Technical Problems Page* on how to
any problem(s) which may occur; in Text, Drawing, Spreadsheet, Database,
Presentation, Formula, Open, and/or Templates .such as: Draw-
Vertical/Horizontal Ruler Measurement(s)

Most problems are user problems because they don't know how to use the application, hence it is
hard to predict which problem may occur as we don't know the user.

How to *increase* or *reduce* the *measurement* *scale*(*s*) with the
*movement* of the two *triangles* *joined* at the *point* of each other
which are *placed* on the left- hand and right-hand side of the vertical
and horizontal ruler measurements...

What about if you start reading the documentation and come back with real problems instead
of anticipated issues that you could probably face.

How to *lock* and *save* the *measurement*(*s*) *desired* so the
*measurement*(*s*) *desired* on the *horizontal* and *vertical* *ruler*(*s*)
*will* *not* *change* within the Drawing File(s) created.
How to set and save the vertical and horizontal ruler(s) in inches and/or
centimeters from 1-23, 1-32, 1-50, etc........

Again read read and read again the documentation.

How to *correct* Open Office *unresponsive*.when you just clicked upon
and *opened
Open Office*.or *just got* *done* opening your* file*(*s*) and *do not want*
to be *prevented* from *getting right to work*.

Buy a bigger computer.

*Draw*- how to *reconnect* the *window/page pane* when it *disconnects*
itself *from* the *rest* of the *frame*.
How to *turn* *off* *number* *bullets* when you *choose* to *do* the
*numbering* yourself.such as 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 *without* any*

Click the right buttons that are designed for that purpose (It's in the manual)

How to prevent Open Office Text or Drawing arrangements from becoming
totally disarrayed when transferring from Open Office To Microsoft File(s).

If you want 100% compatibility with MS Office create the Text or drawing in MS Office.

Could you please put the solutions to any technical problems concerning
each individual program under the correct heading(s), explained in simple
step by step instructions and placed in the same screen where the
selection(s) of Text, Drawing, Spreadsheet, Database, Presentation,
Formula, Open and Templates are listed.

Solutions are build in the next release of the application, the issue is that there are problems for which there are no solutions only workarounds. If you start to list your problems we probably can help you with workarounds or more likely to direct you to the information that's already available.

Could you please have an Open Office history icon button to click on which
will accurately list in alphabetical order each Program file(s) used before
the computer was shutdown.
Could you please make it possible for each screen to be made available in a
cascading alphabetical order and will remain upon the screen at all times
so the screen selection is immediately accessible to be chosen, whenever
Could you please make it possible for any update announcement(s) to be made
visible upon the screen and have the capability of any downloads to be
installed and completed, being fully completed, without having to stop
and/or close the specific Open Office program(s) and/or file(s) the
person(s) is/are working on at that time.

OK now I know that you haven't used OpenOffice at all, otherwise you shouldn't asked this question.

Could you please have a grammar and punctuation checker, equipped with a
thesaurus such as Grammarly to correct any error(s) made such as spellcheck
does, only with word usage and punctuation.

Could you please provide various writing styles with elegance and neatness
to be easily read and understood; while being impressive to the eyes in the
printed and written word(s) in the Open Office Text and Drawing Program(s)?

Could you please provide an easy to use picture editing program in Text and
Drawing program(s) to easily remove, and/or add what is not wanted/is
wanted in the individual picture(s)?

Could you please state whether the spelling of a word is Canadian or
American, such as color or colour?

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I hope I have not
overwhelmed you.

Yes it was overwhelming (and frustrating).

Patti C.

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