At 15:27 27/09/2017 +1000, Paul Ranger wrote:
I need to type set and print 2 x A5 pages in a document file onto a single sheet of A4 paper. The contents of the pamphlet will consist of 2 additional A5 sized pages of text - both left justified to be printed on the blank side after initial back cover /front cover printing.

So you actually want to print *four* A5 pages on two-sided A4.

I cannot find how to perform this set up from the open document work space.

Try a "brochure".

I cannot work out how to set the page orientation to landscape rather than default portrait (upright) orientation. Further, I cannot find how to set the document size to A5.

I'm surprised you cannot find this in either the built-in help text or the documentation.

You may be suffering from Microsoftitis. Microsoft Office products - such as Word - treat page size and orientation as printer properties. OpenOffice treats them instead as aspects of page formatting (which I happen to think is more sensible). So go to Format | Page... | Page and set the page size and orientation there. But you don't want your *page* orientation to be landscape, in fact: those A5 pages are in portrait orientation. It's the A4 *paper* that needs to be in landscape orientation..

OpenOffice will arrange what you need automatically:
o Set your document to have A5 pages in portrait orientation.
o Create the document normally - all four pages *sequentially*.
o Go to File | Printer Settings... | Properties... and set your printer to use A4 paper in landscape orientation. o Go to Tools | Options... | OpenOffice Writer | Print | Pages and tick Brochure. (Alternatively you can select this in the print dialogue at File | Print... | Options... | Page Layout | Layout | Brochure.) o Print the document double-sided on A4 paper (automatically or manually as necessary). OpenOffice will print pages 4 and 1 on one side of the paper and 2 and 3 on the other.

In fact, the brochure facility is even cleverer: if your document contains more than four pages, they will be distributed across more than one sheet of paper such that you can fold the resulting stack to create a brochure containing an arbitrary number of pages.

I am running AOO 4.1.3 on iMac.

Then you'll have to translate Tools | Options... to OpenOffice | Preferences, of course.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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