Public discussion groups like this attract genuine contributors but they
also attract "Trolls" who may be merely critical but can be abusive or even
threatening.  It's something one must accept as the cost of public
availability. There is a link <
<> > on this page.  Doesn't
it work?


With kind regards, 

An occasional reader




At 05:49 12/01/2018 +0000, Helen Pitt wrote:

>I have been trying to unsubscribe from time to time, for about two 

>years, nothing I do works and I continue to receive a gazillion emails 

>most weeks. It's very tiresome and if I object I generally receive 

>really abusive mails from various people unknown, telling me how 

>incredibly stupid I am.


I was preparing to offer you help with this, but then I realised that you
had written before. You sent a query about OpenOffice a year ago, hijacking
an existing, unrelated thread. In my reply, I gently pointed out that you
would be unpopular with others (not with me, in

fact) if you did this, and also that it could be counterproductive to your
obtaining any help.


Your query asked about creating a second slide in a presentation. I
provided carefully laid out, detailed help on various ways to do this.
Since you were evidently a beginner, not only with using a mailing list but
also with OpenOffice and its various help facilities, I mentioned the
built-in help as well as giving you a link to the Impress Guide available
from the web site (including a page reference). To avoid embarrassment to
you, I replied privately. 

(I'm now risking complaints from some others by admitting this in this
public message.) My experience is sufficient for me to be confident that
the advice I gave was accurate and valuable. I was not abusive nor did I in
any way suggest or imply that you were "stupid".


I received no thanks - but that's perfectly OK, of course: there is no need
and I don't expect it. But you did reply, and the total of your reply was
to write "Oh bog off you sanctimonious, unhelpful twat." (I apologise for
repeating such disgusting language to the list, but my point would be lost
without it.) I know this because I still have the relevant mail messages.


I don't condone anyone's behaviour if they really have been abusive to you
or called you "stupid", but this record shows that the idea that you are
sweetness and light and being unfairly treated by others is not the whole
story. The responsibility to conduct oneself in an adult and courteous
manner applies to you as well as to anyone trying to help you. This mailing
list generally operates without abuse; it's unfortunate when anyone behaves
as you did.


As I say, I was considering helping you with your current wish to
unsubscribe from the list, but other readers may understand why I now
choose not to. But I do note that the OpenOffice web site gives very full
instructions, *including what to do if you are having difficulties*, so the
solution to your problem was and is always there for you to read.


Brian Barker  




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