On 2/24/2018 4:34 PM, John Hart wrote:
> On 2/24/2018 3:38 AM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
>>> I'm using v3.3, and after saving it changed the path, which was
>>> annoying, and explains the need for the method Mkaye asked about,
>>> which wouldn't change the default path.
>> Sorry, but OpenOffice doesn't changes the default path. 
> Are you saying v4.x works different than 3.x when using 'save as' to
> write files to external media,
> and that the next time one saves or opens a file, it points at the
> working directory, not external
> media.  If so, how does one change where the working directory is?
>> It saves only the 10 most recently used documents.
> Recently used documents in 3.3, include pointers to where they reside.
> Open and save uses the path to the
> last directory a file was opened in or saved to. After writing a file to
> external media using 3.3,
> all subsequent opens or saves, use that location, and the link to the
> working directory
> needs to be re-established. Does 4.x work differently? If so, please
> explain. I'm still using 3.3 on my
> old computer, haven't switched to the new one with 4.x yet.
>> this means if you open a file from the recently used menu and you do a
>> save as in another
> directory it has now both files in the recently used menu.
> That's true, the path is included in recently used, but the question is:
> does 'save as' change the path open uses, and if so is there a way
>  to write files to external media without doing so?
> jrh
OpenOffice has always worked the way the Martin described. What you are
seeing with the open dialog is how your operating system works.
OpenOffice does not have control over that.


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