
I found out how to fix this outline numbering problem. I wanted to see if LibreOffice exhibited the same anomaly, so I performed the process using LO. It behaved the same way. However, I clicked on the "1.1" paragraph to bring up the paragraph context menu and there was an option to "Continue Previous Numbering" right under the "Restart numbering" option. I used it and the 1.1 paragraph changed to 2.1, just as it should. Without saving the LO modified document, I brought it back into OpenOffice and checked the same context menu and that "Continue Previous Numbering" option is there also. I don't know why I didn't see that option before posting my message. That is the solution.

Girvin Herr

On 2/5/19 12:11 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:

I am using AOO 4.1.6 under Slackware Linux.

I have a document I created in April 2010 that I am updating and am having a problem with "Heading 2" outline numbering. This is a example of what I start with:

   1    Introduction
   2    General
   2.1    Subject

When I try to add a new heading between "2" and "2.1", by inserting a paragraph after 2's text and changing its style to "Heading 2", I get this:

   1    Introduction
   2    General
   2.1    Subject

Where I would expect:

   1    Introduction
   2    General
   2.2    Subject

It appears that the new "Heading 2" style is set to start over, but examination of the style does not have the restart option set. I tried using "Format" > "Default reformatting" on the new "Heading 2" paragraph and nothing changes.

The "Heading 2" style "Outline & Numbering" tab has The "Outline level" set to "Level 2" and greyed out, and "Numbering" > "Numbering Style" is set to "Outline Numbering" and greyed out. "Line numbering" > "Include this paragraph in line numbering" is unchecked, but checking it does not change the result. "Restart at this paragraph" is unchecked and greyed out. "Start with" is set to "1" but greyed out. The "Organizer" tab Has "Linkled with" set to "Heading". "Contains" is:     "Western text: 14 pt + Not Italic + bold + Numbering(Outline) + 2 + don't count lines"

Note that if I copy a correct "Heading 2" heading from one part of the document to where I need a "Heading 2", the result is correct - with the correctly incremented outline number. This only occurs when I create a new "Heading 2" paragraph by changing the paragraph style to "Heading 2".

Note also that this happens when I set the paragraph style to "Heading 3". I get 1.1.1.

Is there somewhere else that I need to change to continue the outline numbering from the last Heading?

I do have the copy workaround to this problem, but I would like to understand why this is not working correctly or what I am doing wrong.


Girvin Herr

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