
This is a mail list of users of OpenOffice, while I personally can’t help you 
with this issue, if you’re patient someone who has experience with Base should 
be able to help you. Please allow 72 hours for replies as this is an 
international users group and many do not respond to email over weekends and or 
while they’re sleeping.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 15, 2019, at 2:46 PM, Roy Wood <> wrote:
> Hi Tony
> Thanks for letting me now
> Roy
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
> From: Tony Turner
> Sent: 15 September 2019 17:43
> To:
> Subject: Re: BASE questions
> Hi Roy
> I’m afraid that you’ve been directed to the wrong person,
> Tony Turner
>> On 15 Sep 2019, at 17:28, Roy Wood <> wrote:
>> Hi I  am curious to know if you got any useful reply to your mail back on 
>> 29/7/19 regarding Base.
>> I have found that it always an item that not many are familiar with and tend 
>> o leave Base alone and consencreate 
>> 0n the the equivilent to Excel.
>> I am trying to convert an industrial program in excel to Base.
>> I wnote to colleges locally and needless to say none offered even the Ms 
>> base. Not even our local 
>> Uni so am slowing making my way through using the Internet.
>> Best wishes
>> Roy Wood
>> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>> From: Mike
>> Sent: 29 July 2019 09:03
>> To: OpenOffice Users
>> Subject: BASE questions
>> I'm new to Base and discovering just how ignorant I am despite 40 years 
>> working in IT.  I have created a simple data base with three tables.  
>> When trying to create relationships and forms it's become obvious that 
>> some of my field definitions need to be changed.  Problem 1: how can I 
>> display all of the variables I used to specify each field?    Problem 2: 
>> I created a table and made a mess of it.  How can I delete that table?  
>> DROP TABLE ... hasn't worked.  Problem 3:  The ID in my main table is a 
>> numeric sequential number.  Can I define the field so that the number is 
>> automatically assigned using a field type?
>> Background:  I'm working in OpenOffice 4.1.6 on a MacBook Pro running 
>> MacOS 0.13.6.  My first reference is to LibreOffice 4.0 Base Handbook, 
>> OO helps, OpenOffice Forum, then finally Google.  I assume that 
>> LibreOffice BASE and OO BASE are sufficiently similar that LO 
>> documentation should be relevant to OO BASE.
>> thanks,
>> Mike Shearer
>> Australia
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