You neglected a step in the installation process:

   "Double-click the .dmg file. After verifying the file, the Mac will display 
a screen which
   shows, then an arrow, then an Applications folder. Drag the
   icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on that screen."

You moved OpenOffice.dmg into your application folder instead of

Open OpenOffice.dmg. I the window that opens drag the icon onto the Application icon. You can them close the window and eject

If you cannot see the file extension names (.org & .app), open Finder. On your menu bar click Finder. Then in the drop down menu click Preferences. Then click on Advanced. Then select "Show all filename extensions".

On 2020-05-26 3:53 p.m., Dan at News Media Services wrote:
  Hi Dave,Thank you for your response.Here is what I did, after reading your 
Quit Open Office by selecting"Quit" in OO menu bar.Ejected OO disk icon that 
remained on desktop.Opened the Application Folder located in the Dock on desktop.Selected 
and clicked on OO icon in application folder.OO disk icon again appeared on 
desktop.Clicked on OO disk icon to start program.OO start bar appeared and loaded on 
desktop.OO files opened, as usual.
Everything above is what I go through each time I quit OO.
The disk icon never goes away while OO is open.If I try to eject the OO disk on 
the desktop, a message says because OO files are opened, I have to Force Eject. 
This would terminate the OO program, until I relaunch it.

     On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 10:46:17 AM PDT, Dave Fisher 
<> wrote:
Quit OpenOffice.
Open the Application Folder.
Open the OpenOffice that’s in the Application folder.

You should now be able to eject the DMG.


Sent from my iPhone

On May 26, 2020, at 9:57 AM, Dan at News Media Services 
<> wrote:


Still trying to get the OO icon off of desktop when OO is running.
Did not have an icon on desktop when I used Word.

Again, followed every detail of installing on Mac per  instructions of :
(Q03/AQ03)Tutorial] Mac FAQ Apache OO Community Forum  by MrProgrammer 6/27/17)

•Waited for  Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_MacOS_x86-64_install_en-US.dmg to finish 

•OO icon appeared on desktop.

•Dragged OO icon on desktop into Applications folder as per instructions: "Drag the icon on that screen into the Applications folder icon on that screen. Macs don't 
need an "install" program for this application."

(Please see screen shots of OO in Finder's Application Folder and in desktop 
Applications Folder).

•Clicked on OO icon to start OO. Program started running and could use.

                                         BUT ...

•Followed additional instructions: " Use File → Eject "OpenOffice" (the dmg 
file). Either delete the file with the dmg extension or put it in a safe place in the rare 
case that you want to reinstall it later without re-downloading.
Sure about this?  If I deleted this .dmg file, then OO operating system no 
longer available.

•End result: OO gray icon remain on desktop, when program running. (Even though 
I initially dragged it into Applications Folder).

Thanks for any clarification from the Macintosh tech side. I can only hope that 
the posted instructions are correct and I somehow keep misunderstanding some 
salient point.

Good health to all.

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Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada

"An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs." - 
Edgard Varese

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